Meet Liz
“While there are more days than not that I wake up craving that warm, comforting feeling of stability and this lifetime, I choose to take the more precarious path of daring greatly. I choose to believe that life may be short and god forbid if it is, that my obituary be a fun one to read.”
Born & raised in Atlanta, Liz attended the Atlanta International School which triggered a deep love of language learning and living abroad. Eventually, Liz opted for snow over sunny weather by moving to Maine for her undergraduate degree, studying Social Psychology at Bowdoin College.
At the young age of 22, Liz transplanted herself to Tokyo for a 6-month marketing internship at a tech-start up, not speaking a word of Japanese (beyond general greetings), nor knowing a single contact living there. Six months living in Tokyo very quickly turned into 5 full years, during which Liz gained invaluable experience working for a luxury hotel group, as well as a boutique creative agency.
Turning the page in Tokyo meant throwing herself in a completely new environment & culture, yet one whose language Liz spoke a few more words. Liz moved to Paris for a Masters of Arts in Global Communications at the American University of Paris, where she sharpened her existing toolkit of critical & practical branding skills to equip herself for a continued career in the communications landscape. Paris’ seemingly less frenetic pace of life continues to ground her there, on top of her fast addiction to French bakeries & the country’s strong affinity for the small, but beautiful pleasures in life.
There is nothing more thrilling and enlivening to Liz than to connect with individuals from all corners of the world. If there is anything she has learned from living across 3 continents and traveling to nearly 100 countries…it is that we are all more similar than not and acknowledging our established points of connection - through food, art, cultural appreciation, shared interests etc, is the greatest teaching in life.